(Yoonus) 10 : 14
ثُمَّ جَعَلْنَاكُمْ خَلَائِفَ فِي الْأَرْضِ مِنْ بَعْدِهِمْ لِنَنْظُرَ كَيْفَ تَعْمَلُونَ

Then We made you successors in the land after them so that We may Observe how you are doing.

As explained in verses 4: 131-133, Lord sent down Adhikr through Messengers to make the people vicegerents of Lord. When they became transgressors by rejecting Adhikr, they were destroyed and were succeeded by a new generation from the saved believers. The last version of Adhikr sent down to Messenger Muhammad is inherited by Fujjar as told in verse 35: 32. But among them, the Arabic Qur’an reading Fujjar are not utilizing Adhikr nor are giving It to others, by which they are wronging to their soul. Only the odd-believer will testify and follow Adhikr and will propagate It into entire mankind testifying verses 6: 89-90 and 16: 43-44. Believers all over the world will be separated into Hijaz for the World Triumph as explained in verses 7: 127 and 137. The hypocrites and Kuffar all over the world who will accept Antichrist as a prophet at first and later as the lord will be killed by the ‘other-people’ belonging to Messenger’s community as explained in 9: 5 and 123. See explanation 6: 131-133; 7: 37 and 9: 73.